Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How Owls Inspired a Business

Since we have been reflecting on firsts, it only seems fitting to take a step back to see how it all began.  Some say I was born with a sketchbook in my hand. Ok I am only kidding but my kindergarten teacher did write in my report card “Stephanie will most likely grow up to be an artist”.  Wow, that woman was some kind of psychic. Maybe I should get back in contact with her for some lottery numbers because she was right I love art.  I will do just about anything related to art, drawing, painting, sculpting and above all crafts of course. I even minored in Art in college. For my wedding, I made everything right down to the aisle runner and pocket-fold invitation.

Although, I did a ton of art it never occurred to me to turn it into a business. I just did what I loved. I wasn’t inspired to create PaperCuts until July 2010. I was planning my daughters 1st birthday and I wanted to do something unique. What’s more unique than owls, cute feathery little nocturnal creatures who can turn their head 180 degrees.  Reminds me of my first year of motherhood.

My search for Owl décor in general was pretty futile and to find it in my pink and green color scheme was laughable at best.  So I rolled out my craft table and started creating everything from scratch. The invitation, banners, felt owl decals, piñata and even ribbon trees because you can’t have owls without trees.  The feedback I got from the parents attending the party were “Where in the world did you find this stuff and it must have cost a fortune”.  Once I explained how each item was made and the low cost surrounding it, they were amazed.  The comment I most heard was “I wish there was a service like that available for me”.  I thought well there should be and from that a business was born.

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