Monday, May 9, 2011

PaperCuts Coming Out Party!

PaperCuts was debuted in its first trade show on Friday!  The Yorkville Junior Women's Club was hosting an wonderful event called "Diva and Darlings" and imagine my surprise, excitement and panic when a member contacted me to say she felt PaperCuts would be a great addition. Although I have displayed my products at weddings and birthday parties, I had never put together a display in a trade show.  I spent a couple of sleepless nights mulling over what items could stand on their own. Finally I settled on several banners, flowers and favor boxes.

Talk about a stressful day between prepping our products, driving in traffic so bad I was sure I was just cast in Office Space 2 and navigating the unknown streets of Yorkville, I was seconds from a freak out.  Thank goodness for the sweet women of  the Yorkville Junior Women's Club.  They were so nice and put on a beautiful event. I was extremely impressed with all the beautifully adorned booth and talented women selling their products.  I learned a lot about running my own business and made some great business connections.  I hope to participate in another trade show soon!

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